Friday, September 9, 2011

New Layout/Template

Working on a new template. I apparently got a complaint about it being confusing and too much. - Trying to tone it down. I'm thinking it's the background and the ads that are causing the noise. So gonna try and fix that. Please comment if the template bothers you.


  1. Haha.. =) The ads are abit annoying, they're on like every post or something =) The colours in your logo are a bit saturated.. would like come up with some greys of those colours or tone them down a bit still.. like your latest concept would be qwl up there, goes with the shades of your new template, which I quite like actually =)

  2. Awww I liked my logo, I thought it looked cool. Well maybe I should do something different for this template. - Ummm hmmm... Glad you like the new template. The ads should be less now. If I could get a proper sponsor I could simply just put a banner at the top and it would probably work better.
